Friday, April 12, 2013

The Art Culture of Pittsburgh

Rumor has it that economically Pittsburgh is one of the greatest cities to live in in America. With such leading companies as UPMC, Google, PNC Banking and Highmark nesting right here in our beloved city, Pittsburgh has managed to flip its industrial depression into an economic sprout! Relying heavily on the development of groundbreaking medicine and technology, Pittsburgh is a city of innovation, and its economy in reflects just that. But the question that arises, is how is Pittsburgh culturally?

If you’ve never been to Pittsburgh, besides for August Wilson, Andy Warhol and Billy Strayhorn, you might not know too much about the local artisans and cultural phenomenons that happened and are happening here today. One local cultural phenom is an event we Pittsburghers like to call “Unblurred”.

Unblurred is an event that is part of the Penn Avenue Arts Initiative; a project focused on revitalizing the Penn Avenue corridor and instilling pride in a Pittsburgh neighborhood. It’s an event that happens on the first Friday of every month in which local galleries along Penn Avenue open their doors for gallery showcasing and performances. The event is free and consistently filled with Pittsburghers of all backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses that have come together to enjoy the local presence of artists old and young right here in their city. It’s a beautiful cultural happening that exhibits not just art, but also the flourishing community, friendliness and equality that is modern day Pittsburgh.

In fact, this monthly gallery crawl has been so successful that it is recognized as having reduced vacancy on Penn Avenue from “78% to 21.37%” and was “sited as 1 of 10 case studies nationwide in Tom Borrup’s, “The Creative Community Builder’s Handbook.”

To learn more about Unblurred and the Penn Avenue Arts Initiative, visit the website here:


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